Monday, June 18, 2007

Past Midnight, the morning after Father's Day

I can't believe that I'm still awake but I think I've gotten my second wind to work on my very first post. Today's weather wasn't exactly pleasant. It was gray, cloudy, and we had light drizzles of rain. I was talking to a friend and she had expressed her exasperation in the weather, stating that we should have weather that is typical of summer weather in the middle of June... NOT this weather that we normally see in the winter. I understand how she feels because I wanted to get on my road bike and ride today like I did yesterday, around Lake Washington on the Burke-Gilman Trail for 25 miles. But I shrugged my shoulders and had to say, "Well, this IS Seattle... this kind of weather should be expected, even if it IS the middle of June and every place else in the country is at or above 80 degrees!"

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